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Welcome to The Blogging Times Of Vision (TOV)..!!

About the Authors:
We are a group of individuals, all together comprising of 3 members, puting forthe to work on this blog. So, for the sake of clarity, we address ourselves as 'TOV' (Times of Vision) or sometimes as 'BloggingTimes'. So, if u find these words anywhere across this blog, that actually relates to any/all of our authors.
In to details, we finished our graduation, and are actually preparing ourselves to grab a job in Public Sector. In this present scenario, we could find several Job-seekers, actually showing interest to merge in the Public Sector and are actually preferring lot of coaching. We, after going through preparation, were actually in a situation/ willing to Share, Explore further. So, If u belong to the same category, we can turn up in to a team as well.
About the Blog:
This blog is just a little compilation of what we wanted to Share, Communicate and Explore. Since, we are actually building up a Strategy for the Public-Sector Recruitment Examinations, u might find stuff related to that.
And, If u know something regarding it, like any web-sites, or any books to go thru, or any preperation-motivation and willing to pass on..U can let us know it thru the Discussion Board(Right Panel), We will try to give u the reply back within 24hrs (Sometimes, the net-connection may break, so then we may not be avialable..)But Reply is Always Assured.
And..., u may feel silly abt certain sections, or for whatever reason it may be, pls try to ignore it or else, v'l.

So, If u like the stay at this blog, or if u like to contact me for whatever reason, u can leave me a message in my 'DiscussionBoard' over the Right panel-->>.
Thank you, for sharing ur Precious time with this Blog!

Lesson-1 [8 Sessions]

1: Indian & Its States Name:
These are the names of the states and where it exisits in the Indian Map.. Ive normally downloaded a blank map, and edited the names of the coutry [It may not be much useful for u..But its just for me to remember]

This is the order of editing:
Jammu & Kashmir
Punjab, UttarKhand
Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand,Bihar
Gujarat, Goa, Maharastra, Orissa, WestBengal
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
Kerala , Tamilnadu
Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh
Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland

2: Moutain Ranges:
There are 7 nominal Mountain Ranges across the country
  1. Himalaya Ranges
  2. The Patkai Ranges, along the northern and eastern lines of India
  3. The Vindhyas, seperating the Indo-Gangtic Plane from Deccan Plateau
  4. The Satpura
  5. The Aravalli
  6. The Sahayadri, covering the Eastern Fringe of the Western Coasts
  7. The Eastern Ghats, across the eastern coasts.
3: River Bodies:
Basically, there exists 3 main Water sheds
  1. The Himalayan Range
  2. The Vindhyas
  3. The Shayadri
and the three main water bodies in India are:
  1. Indus
  2. Ganga
  3. Bhramaputra
When there exists 8 longest rivers in india and there are:
  1. Indus
  2. Ganga
  3. Bhramaputra
  4. Kaveri
  5. Narmada
  6. Krishna
  7. MahaNandi
  8. Godavari
It was said that about 70% of the river water especially, Ganga , discharges it inflows in to the sea, and 5% was contributed be the Central Rivers. They join together, and shed in to the Bay Of Bengal.

3. Desserts:
Indian Desserts are predominantly seen across the Northern and North-Western regions. Desserts are of 2 types:
  1. the Great Dessert: Stretching from the edge of Rann of Kutch, passing along the Western Ghats and beyong Luni River northwards.
  2. The Little Dessert: Starting from the Luni river, between Jaisalmar and Jodhpur and stretching across north wastelands. This is said to be very dry and rocky lands.
4. Peninsula:
The country India, based on it physical features, it was called as Peninsula. Its surronded by water bodies, around the 3 sides. So is the name. The Deccan and the southern part of India are surronded by Bay ofBengal on the East , Arabian sea on the west and Indian Ocean on the south. The Easter & Western Ghats were seperated from the ocean-bodies by a narrow coastal line.

5. Climate:
Based on Indian climate, the climates are classified in to 6. They are:
  1. Vasanta (Mar- Apr)
  2. Grishna (May-Jun)
  3. Varsha (Jul-Aug)
  4. Sharadh (Sep-Oct)
  5. Hemant ( Nov-Dec)
  6. Shishir (Jan-Feb)
Summer season is observed from April - May
Monsoon season is observer from June- November [inbetween comes the spring & autumn
Winter season is from December- March

6: Natural Vegetation:
There exitis 6 types of Forests in India:
  1. EverGreen Forests - Heavy Rainfall
  2. Deciduous Forests- Moderate Rainfall
  3. Dry Forests - Very scanty Rainfall
  4. Hill Forests - mountain ranges above 100mts
  5. Tidal Forests - river submerged planes
  6. Green Lands - Hill top areas
India had 2 crop seasons:
  1. Khariff: Sowed- Jun/Jul; Harvested- Sep/Oct Crops: Rice, Raagi, Maize, Jute, Jowar, Cotton, Bajra
  2. Rabi : Sowed -Oct/Nov; Harvested -Apr/May Crops: Wheat, RapSeed, Peas, Grams, Barley, Mustard.
8: Physical Regions:
India was mainly divided in to:
  1. Moutain Ranges
  2. The River, the plaines
  3. The Dessert
  4. The Peninsula

Indian Economy Overview

Indian Economy followed Socialist-inspired economy untill 1990s. Untill the Extensive regulation, public-ownership, protectionism lead to passive corruption, slow growth. This lead to the then Prime Minister P.V.NarasimhaRao and the finance minister Manmohan Singh to liberalize the economy and leading the economy to a market based system.

Indian Economical Sector is bradly divided in to 3:
1: Agricultural Sector :60% of the workforce belonged to Agricultaral Sector; Output:18% of GDP
Major Agricultural crops include rice, wheat, cotton, potato, oil seed, buffaloes, cattle, pultry, jut, tea, fish, goats, sheeps , milk etc.
2: Service Sector : 28@ of the workforce ; Output :54% of GDP
3: Industrial Sector: 12% of the workforce; Output: 28% of GDP.
Major Industrial production includes steel, machinery, textiles, chemicals, food processing, cement, mining, transporting facilities, mining, software designs, petroleum products

GDP: India's current GDP is $1+ trillion and is the 12th largest economny across the world and 4 th largest by puchasing the Power adjusted Exchange Rates.
PerCapita Income: India has reached a Percapita income of $977, which ranked 128th amongst the world.

[yet to update]

Blog For Revision, Born on Feb 23,2009(Monday)

Hey all..
Today..Blog For My ReVision was Born today, i.e., on Feb23-2009 thats monday.
Ive intiated this blog just to put whatever stuff that i come across and edit in here, so that it would be revised.
Moreover, today is an auspicious moment called, MahaShivaratri, birthday of Lord Shiva. So, found out that this day would me most good for this blog and for my studies. So lets expect for the best...
and im looking forward for the Anniversry as well..
Wish it Best Of luck..!!

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