Lesson-1 [8 Sessions]

1: Indian & Its States Name:
These are the names of the states and where it exisits in the Indian Map.. Ive normally downloaded a blank map, and edited the names of the coutry [It may not be much useful for u..But its just for me to remember]

This is the order of editing:
Jammu & Kashmir
Punjab, UttarKhand
Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand,Bihar
Gujarat, Goa, Maharastra, Orissa, WestBengal
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
Kerala , Tamilnadu
Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh
Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland

2: Moutain Ranges:
There are 7 nominal Mountain Ranges across the country
  1. Himalaya Ranges
  2. The Patkai Ranges, along the northern and eastern lines of India
  3. The Vindhyas, seperating the Indo-Gangtic Plane from Deccan Plateau
  4. The Satpura
  5. The Aravalli
  6. The Sahayadri, covering the Eastern Fringe of the Western Coasts
  7. The Eastern Ghats, across the eastern coasts.
3: River Bodies:
Basically, there exists 3 main Water sheds
  1. The Himalayan Range
  2. The Vindhyas
  3. The Shayadri
and the three main water bodies in India are:
  1. Indus
  2. Ganga
  3. Bhramaputra
When there exists 8 longest rivers in india and there are:
  1. Indus
  2. Ganga
  3. Bhramaputra
  4. Kaveri
  5. Narmada
  6. Krishna
  7. MahaNandi
  8. Godavari
It was said that about 70% of the river water especially, Ganga , discharges it inflows in to the sea, and 5% was contributed be the Central Rivers. They join together, and shed in to the Bay Of Bengal.

3. Desserts:
Indian Desserts are predominantly seen across the Northern and North-Western regions. Desserts are of 2 types:
  1. the Great Dessert: Stretching from the edge of Rann of Kutch, passing along the Western Ghats and beyong Luni River northwards.
  2. The Little Dessert: Starting from the Luni river, between Jaisalmar and Jodhpur and stretching across north wastelands. This is said to be very dry and rocky lands.
4. Peninsula:
The country India, based on it physical features, it was called as Peninsula. Its surronded by water bodies, around the 3 sides. So is the name. The Deccan and the southern part of India are surronded by Bay ofBengal on the East , Arabian sea on the west and Indian Ocean on the south. The Easter & Western Ghats were seperated from the ocean-bodies by a narrow coastal line.

5. Climate:
Based on Indian climate, the climates are classified in to 6. They are:
  1. Vasanta (Mar- Apr)
  2. Grishna (May-Jun)
  3. Varsha (Jul-Aug)
  4. Sharadh (Sep-Oct)
  5. Hemant ( Nov-Dec)
  6. Shishir (Jan-Feb)
Summer season is observed from April - May
Monsoon season is observer from June- November [inbetween comes the spring & autumn
Winter season is from December- March

6: Natural Vegetation:
There exitis 6 types of Forests in India:
  1. EverGreen Forests - Heavy Rainfall
  2. Deciduous Forests- Moderate Rainfall
  3. Dry Forests - Very scanty Rainfall
  4. Hill Forests - mountain ranges above 100mts
  5. Tidal Forests - river submerged planes
  6. Green Lands - Hill top areas
India had 2 crop seasons:
  1. Khariff: Sowed- Jun/Jul; Harvested- Sep/Oct Crops: Rice, Raagi, Maize, Jute, Jowar, Cotton, Bajra
  2. Rabi : Sowed -Oct/Nov; Harvested -Apr/May Crops: Wheat, RapSeed, Peas, Grams, Barley, Mustard.
8: Physical Regions:
India was mainly divided in to:
  1. Moutain Ranges
  2. The River, the plaines
  3. The Dessert
  4. The Peninsula

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