Draft of APPSC Group-II Examination Pattern

Hello everyone..
This is just adraft in simple words, to speak abt the Examination Pattern of APPSC (Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission) Group-II examination.
To say in short, it constitutes of
3 Papers:
~ Time:each paper is supposed to be answered in 2-1/2 hrs of time-duration. Most basically, the whole testing process would be finished withine 2 days. i.e., 2 exams on the first day(one paper in the morning session and 2nd paper in the evening session) and the third exam/paper in the morning session of the 2nd day.
~Marks: Maximum marks each, for all the 3 Papers is :150
So including all the 3 papers, the Maximum Marks would be 3(150) =450 max
~Pass % of the 3 Papers: The pass % of each paper is 40%, so 6o marks in each paper.
A candidate has to atleast score 3(60)=180 marks altogether, to get thru the Written Test.
~Interview: Candidates who secured more than the Pass-%, were called to the interview, and marks are given accordingly. Max marks in this session is 50. And this session, even include the Pass % of 40%. So least of 20 marks are expected to grab the opportunity.
So, including the Written Test and Interview: Total Max Marks: 500 ; Pass score:180+20=200.

Wow..Well there is a huge difference between the Max marks and the pass score, unlike the Bank Recruitment Tests, where there exists no Pass %.

Ok, now in to the Papers and the subjects.
As said, it c onstitutes 3 Papers:
~ Mental Ability : Basic quantitative/numerical aptitude; reasining
~ General Science: I still have to get some source for this. On terms on general awareness
~ Current Events( National &International level) : Any monthly magazine, daily newspaper,year buk
~Indian History & Indian National Movement : Have to get a History book for this
~ Geopgraphy of World & India: Includes physical, social, economic geography of the country, mean to the terms/figures that this much % is produced this year..likewise..

~ Indian History (In depth) : The same hisory book
~ Indian Constitution :idk..i still have to search.

~Indian Economy: (In depth, PD Indian Economy will do)
~Indian Economy: Some other issues, like Planning, development..etc.

So, thats all..
Conclusion: The overall Subjects covered in here are...
  1. Mental Ability
  2. General Science
  3. Current Affairs
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. Economy
  7. Consitution.
OMG..just 6 things..?? Pretty easier that Bank-Recruitment Test, where we are supposed to follow the sh*t all the time..!! haha..
Thats all..

A foreword to the readers: Im just a Beginner. U might have already known abt these, but im just tryin to revise it for myself, by editing it here. So, if for any reason u want to discourage me or want to say that im at no-where..then u need not, cos i already know that fact.
Thats all for now. Bye

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